Updated Mad Dog Madden Ratings

MadDog Madden Ratings

This Months Mad Dog Madden Ratings are out. There have been some major changes in the Alpha, Bravo and Charlie Teams. The LRSD continues to grow and finalize there rosters. There has been a lot of drama throughout the ranks and there has been plenty of dishonorable discharges throughout the team. Things are looking good for the LRSD.

Before we get to the Madden Ratings lets give a big hand for our monthly award winners.

ButcherBacon’s Monthly MVP Awards

Most Improved: FECCY J – FeccY J has rose up through the ranks and has been making some noise. Runner up – RDAWG and RazorHead

Death Match MVP: Gymboslice – Gymbo has been tearing it up in death match and racking up world records. Runner up – Jeffrosaw

Search & Destory MVP: Takedownspecial – Takedown has been dominating Search and Destroy since the early days. Runner up – Blazed Cubano

Domination MVP: GymboSlice – When in doubt, GymboSlice gets it done. GymboSlice is arguably the most versatile player in the LRSD. Runner up – Blazed Cubano

Headquarters MVP: Kill Tyrant – This is Kill Tyrants game. Runner up – TakedownSpecial

Sabotage MVP: DiaperDandy – Diapers shotgun skills have helped the LRSD earn many quick victories in Sabotage. Gotta go with the Gold! Runner up – Spit Metal

Cover Fire (Saw Gunner) MVP: Jeffrosaw – Jeffrosaws fire support has helped the LRSD get through many tough battles. Runner up – GymboSlice

Shotgun Champion: DiaperDandy – Diaper carries nothing but Gold. Runner up – Spit Metal

Claymore Super Star: BobBigCack – If you hit a claymore its probably BobBigCacks. BigCack can win a game with just claymores. Runner up – Spit Metal

Sniper of the Month: Gymboslice – Who else would it be? GymboSlice , GymboSlice or GymboSlice. Runner up – Feccy J

Hardcore MVP: Jeffrosaw – Jeffro dominates hardcore. He lives for one shot kills. Spray and Pray. Runner up – lX P Xl

Clutch Player: TakedownSpecial – Takedown Does Work! Runner up – DiaperDandy

Overall MVP: Mad Dog – The Return of Mad Dog! The old man returns! Runner up – TakedownSpecial

LRSD – Alpha

TakedownSpecial – 97

GymboSlice – 92

HighFive87 – 90

HipHopJunky – 80 (Suspended)

TheDiaperDandy -90

BobBigCack – 85

Mad Dog (Returns) – 94

Jeffrosaw – 92

Blazed Cubano – 90

Kill Tyrant – 90

Spit Metal – Leaves LRSD

LRSD – Bravo

BobLilCack – 77

Feccy J -80

lX P Xl – 80

RDawg – 82

Nardskilla – 76

Paco5000 – 72

The Ghost 42 – 79

LRSD – Charlie

Magic Wooshy – 72 MIA

RazorHead – 65

GrimPunisher – 68

Odius333 – 60

These ratings are computerized by your online Call of Duty Stats. Here are catagories that make up the overall Mad Dog Madden Rating: Speed / Agility, Accuracy, Awareness, Discipline, Teamwork, Clutch, Demolitions, Assault, SMG, LMG, Sniper, Knife, Air Support, Friendly Fire (Negative Thing).


  1. blazedcubano on June 18, 2008 at 8:06 pm

    LMAO on ratings Im suprised MAD DOG is not 100

  2. killtyrant on June 24, 2008 at 5:22 pm

    haha there isnt a space between killtyrant xD

  3. Magic Wooshy on July 11, 2008 at 12:05 pm

    i remember those days .. Charlie team…. i had it ruff but i learned a lot from that and its i hate losing it made realize there is no winners beyond the LRSD and if there is they just havent met the LRSD. its a pretty simple solution if you want a clean record dont step with the big dogs. we accept all challenges. Bravo team is looking more sharp now adays and i am noticing some people are getting closer and closer to becoming part of the alpha squad. Heres a tip for some struggling bravo soldiers trying to make it to the alpha squad just keep your head up and only accept victory