Over Look of Maps

These are the CoD5 maps, 1 AirField 2 Asylum 3 Castle 4 Cliffside 5 Courtyard 6 Dome 7 Downfall 8 Hangar 9 Makin 10 Outskirts 11 Roundhouse 12 Seelow 13 Upheaval

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How to Provide Cover

In a recent SnD game I personally witnessed the worst cover I have ever seen in my lifetime. It was a 2 on 1 to our advantage. I had the bomb and had just layed down to plant it. As i was in the process of planting I told Empreza to cover me. he took…

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Mental Breakdown!

The LRSD was in training and practice for there upcoming run at the title.  The team was dominating the public matches like usual and seem to be breezing through and smacking down bad kid after bad kid.  During one of the games Feccy J was struggling with covering his position and he was getting very…

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LRSD November Achievement Awards

As you all know the LRSD has awards we give out every month for good and bad play.  This month was the first Month the LRSD return to action and we had some good times and some bad times already.  Not all the members of the LRSD have officially return to battle yet.  We are…

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LRSD is back in the ACTION!

Lrsd will hopefully be attending this event at meadowlands, This is being talked over with some of our sponsors. The To4 is not set yet we are still working on picking which 4 will be playing at this event. I will be posting more information about this as soon as i get some feedback from…

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Ink City Gets Mad!

Yesterday Ink CiTy joins a game with some members of the LRSD and after playing a couple matches he was asked to leave so another member of the LRSD can join. He left not saying anything so no one complained but he than said to Diaperdandy and Me that ” if this is how its…

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Recruit is to Much for Gymbo

What a bad kid. Recently Gymbo has been trying to play the Call of Duty 5 campaign mode to unlock the Zombie mode. Instead of taking a challenge he figured he would just run through the game real quick by playing on the recruit difficulty a.k.a. ” I need help please hold my hand mode”.…

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Welcome Back

I would like to welcome every one back to the LRSD. It might have been a while but we’re back in action. With the return of the LRSD there will be some new things going on. As you can already see we do have a “.com” and a new look to the website. All who…

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Feccy J Skips Practice and Team Meeting

Feccy J missed another team meeting and practice session yesterday and team officials have reported they are tired of Feccy J acting bigger then the team and they are going to suspend him for two weeks.  Team officials said Feccy J did not call in to report his whereabouts and why he would be missing…

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Sponsorship is Finalized

Mad Dog Gaming is Officially sponsoring us for “COD4/COD5” ! We are all happy to say that you have not seen the last of “The Elite LRSD Squad”. Even though some of our long time teammates have been taking breaks due to personal reasons our main 6 is standing strong. We are also looking for…

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