Posts Tagged ‘Call of Duty’
Humble Pie? LRSD Alpha Dominates Hardcore Team!
Despite the loss in Monday Nights scrimmage the Hardcore Team wasn’t giving the Alpha Squad the respect it deserved. The leader of the Hardcore Team (DarkNights) was angered by the article written by Gymboslice and decided to send the Alpha Team a challenge. The Alpha Team gladly accepted the challenge and then they went to…
Read MorePafinator is Given a Shot
Cevo Squad prepares Pafinator for an upcoming Cevo match. Pafinator is young but his game keeps progressing throughout each day. He has learned to deal with trash talk and knows how to take orders. He has alot of pressure on him but hopefully he can handle himself. The rest of the guys and I had…
Read MoreWill A Little Rivalry Break This Clan?
There is definitely some angry faces coming out of the LRSD Hardcore Division’s training locker this morning, due to the defeat by it’s sister clan, LRSD Alpha Team, on Monday night. The fact that the world renowned journalist Gymbo Slice wrote an article about it the day after has also rubbed some salt in the…
Read MoreAlpha Team Gives Hardcore Team a Reality Check!
Last night the Hardcore Team had a scrimmage with the LRSD Alpha squad (Well not the whole Alpha squad). The Hardcore team was riding this huge wave of momentum (5-0 in Game Battles) and wanted to challenge the Alpha Team in a friendly hardcore match. IX P XI and DarkNights wanted to show the Alpha…
Read MoreStarNards Cries out for Halo
It was last night i was playing some S&d with Feccy J, Mad Dog, Diaperdandy and StarNards we were all doing great winning as usual than at 12:00 a.m we hear “Back out, Back out” so the 5 of us backed out. We all asked Nards why did we back out? Nards replied ” I…
Read MoreWooshy's Take – Camping is just Holding Position
Camping is a major issue in gaming nowadays so its either you hate it or love it. Camping is not bad, it is a very helpful strategy that works well in many game types. Team camping can be very successful and will lead you to many victories. Finding a spot to camp can either be…
Read MoreHardcore: 5-0 WAY TO GO!
As some of you may know, the Hardcore Division headed by lx P xl and Dark Nights Con played a handful of ranked games over the weekend. After playing a final set around 9 P.M. CST, they officially became 5-0. They plan to keep up the streak through the week if possible, as long as…
Read MoreLRSD Cevo Trouble! is it over?
Cevo is a big thing in the gaming industry and not having pure success in the first bracket might lead to a terrible downfall. The first match never happened, we got the win because the other team never showed. second game was tough but we thought we had it all planned out. WRONG!! We practiced…
Read MoreOne "Hardcore" Moment
On the fateful Saturday night of July 12; The LRSD Hardcore Division was given the chance to finally test their “Metal” against the infamous Sinister Prophets (SP). Leading DSRL was none other then Captain Dark and his second in command 1st Lieutenant P. Followed by Private First Class Nose, Frito, and Paco. 1st Map Downpour…
Read MoreSign Up Today for the July 20th LRSD Tournament!
The LRSD Tournament will take place next weekend Sunday July 20th. There will be two types of tournaments a free-for-all tournament and a double team tournament. As of right now hardcore and regular LRSD guys will be competing in separate divisions. That may change depending upon the turn-out. What You Need to Do? 1. Comment…
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