Welcome Back

By Feccy J | November 20, 2008 | Comments Off on Welcome Back

I would like to welcome every one back to the LRSD. It might have been a while but we’re back in action. With the return of the LRSD there will be some new things going on. As you can already see we do have a “.com” and a new look to the website. All who…

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Feccy J Skips Practice and Team Meeting

By GymboSlice | November 19, 2008 | Comments Off on Feccy J Skips Practice and Team Meeting

Feccy J missed another team meeting and practice session yesterday and team officials have reported they are tired of Feccy J acting bigger then the team and they are going to suspend him for two weeks.  Team officials said Feccy J did not call in to report his whereabouts and why he would be missing…

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Sponsorship is Finalized

By BlackerBerry | November 11, 2008 | Comments Off on Sponsorship is Finalized

Mad Dog Gaming is Officially sponsoring us for “COD4/COD5” ! We are all happy to say that you have not seen the last of “The Elite LRSD Squad”. Even though some of our long time teammates have been taking breaks due to personal reasons our main 6 is standing strong. We are also looking for…

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Gymbo Out Maddens Feccy J: 21-17

By GymboSlice | November 7, 2008 | Comments Off on Gymbo Out Maddens Feccy J: 21-17

Feccy J had the Madden Champion of the LRSD Gymbo on the ropes last night but he couldn’t finish the fight. Feccy went into the 4th quarter with the lead 10 to 7. Feccy drove down the field like a champion and scored a touchdown to increase the lead to 10 points with 3 mins…

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Bringing the Magic

By BlackerBerry | November 6, 2008 | Comments Off on Bringing the Magic

Hey everyone, its WoosHy I would like to announce that “LRSD” is back we had a little delay because of a lot of reasons mostly just all of us have been real busy with the new site and all. We have been working on tons of Projects and even working on putting a Lessons page…

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Anybody Want In?

By Feccy J | October 28, 2008 | Comments Off on Anybody Want In?

Where have the good old times went? What happened to the LRSD? Im taking it upon myself to start up a gamebattles team for the up and coming Call of Duty World at War. We need at least 4 to play but i would like more. I have already talked to Diaper, Wooshy, Ink, and…

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LRSD is Back – Call of Duty: World at War Beta

By GymboSlice | October 20, 2008 |

The LRSD has returned to battle and you can expect to see them at the top of the leaderboards of the new Call of Duty : World at War standings.  Several members have the Beta version and are prepared for the release of Call of Duty 5 : World at War.  You can find Gymboslice…

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XBOX's are Down and Out — Fantasy League Running Strong

By GymboSlice | September 24, 2008 |

The Madden League will start up in another week.  Currently have several xboxes down and out and have been unable to get online. The xbox break down has caused a major problem and it is currently being resolved.  We are boosting to a better internet connection and currently have XBOX repairs on my end so…

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LRSD Doubles Tourney Canceled!

By GymboSlice | August 26, 2008 |

The LRSD Doubles Tourney has been cancelled due to the lack of motivation by the teams that entered the tourney.  It does not take 6 months to play a tournament.  Hopefully we can regroup and start another tournament when everyone gets there heads on straight. The headsets will go to Jeffrosaw for his hard work…

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Gymbo Loses 28-17! Spy Gate or Special Teams?

By GymboSlice | August 26, 2008 |

Last Night Gymboslice took on Allah the former hardcore member of the LRSD in a NCAA game. Supposably Allah is the greatest thing since sliced bread and said he would dominate Gymbo if they were ever to meet head to head. So finally the game was scheduled and it was a hard fought battle with…

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