LRSD Doubles

By Team Player | February 26, 2009 | Comments Off on LRSD Doubles

Lately, the LRSD has been pairing up and making teams on the Game Battles Doubles Ladder. The competition has really started to heat up. The Teams are as followed: Iconz and Mad Dog – Iconz is a Maddog (6-0) Takedown and Supafly – Playground Pimps (0-0) Feccy and Pafinator – Pimpin Platypuses (1-1) Paco and…

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One Vs One Tourney!

By GymboSlice | February 25, 2009 | Comments Off on One Vs One Tourney!

I know we’ve been holding off on this tournament for a while now but its time to get the ball rolling.  Any LRSD member who is interested in entering the first LRSD One vs One Tournament send Gymboslice a message on Xbox Live saying “I’m in” and you will be added to the bracket.  Send…

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LRSD Cracks Top 20!

By GymboSlice | February 22, 2009 | Comments Off on LRSD Cracks Top 20!

Congrats to The LRSD for cracking the Top 20. I would  like to thank everyone who has contributed in making the LRSD one of the top teams online. We couldn’t have done it without every single member of the LRSD. Just remember guys the season is not over yet and we still have a lot…

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LRSD is the Death of Death Blooms!

By GymboSlice | February 19, 2009 | Comments Off on LRSD is the Death of Death Blooms!

Last night in an exciting battle the LRSD squared off against the former 2nd ranked team on GameBattles, the Death Blooms. It was a great match and hard fought by both teams with the LRSD emerging as the better team on this night.  The LRSD controlled the pace of the battle and they took the…

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Bravo and Charlie Unite

By GymboSlice | February 19, 2009 | Comments Off on Bravo and Charlie Unite

After much debating the LRSD has decided to end the inner squad rival between B and C and have them unite into one team. They will now form LRSD II and hopefully this will help them make a late push towards the playoffs. Why the merge? B and C just weren’t getting it done. Both…

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LRSD Rising Up

By GymboSlice | February 17, 2009 | Comments Off on LRSD Rising Up

LRSD A-Team Cracks Top 40 Congrats to the LRSD for cracking the top 50 and recording 60th win. All the hard work and dedication is paying off.  Alpha Team is really coming together as a true team.  Look for the LRSD to continue to rise through the standings.  They could possibly be on the first…

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FeccyJ's Sniper School

By Feccy J | February 15, 2009 | Comments Off on FeccyJ's Sniper School

As you all know and even if you didn’t the LRSD is in need of a sniper. As a decent sniper I would like to share some tips to help others out. There are a few key things for a sniper and I would like to share and explain. Scout or Spotter(s) Manage your  breathing Identifying…

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Lost in the LRSD

By GymboSlice | February 14, 2009 | Comments Off on Lost in the LRSD

We still have a couple guys floating around the LRSD without a team.  Before you go out and recruit more players for the LRSD take a look at the guys on Delta / Reserves List.  The LRSD free agent list has some quality guys that have been around the LRSD and know a lot of…

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Mad Dog Sends Message for B & C!

By GymboSlice | February 12, 2009 | Comments Off on Mad Dog Sends Message for B & C!

If you haven’t heard Bravo and Charlie are struggling. Bravo has a record of 22-21 which isn’t all that bad but it isn’t good either.  Their teamwork has been questionable as of late and Bravo is good enough to be a playoff team but they gotta start playing like one.  Mad Dog feels they just…

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By JigSaW | February 10, 2009 | Comments Off on COD W@W NEWS!!!

I just received news (2 minutes ago) from TreyArch, that 3 new multi-player maps are being released for download through Xbox Live in March 2009. THATS NEXT MONTH!!! I know you are all as excited as I am. The new maps include: Nightfire In “Nightfire,” players take to the streets of a war-ravaged Berlin with…

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