Dandy Does Work, LRSD to branch out..

By JigSaW | April 27, 2009 | Comments Off on Dandy Does Work, LRSD to branch out..

The Diaper Returns Recently The DiaperDandy himself, has been spotted leaving his den where he has spent the whole winter season in hibernation. Now that spring is among us The Diaperdandy, like many beasts of the wild,  must begin anew. He has already gotten a good jump on things, and started a new team, Team LRSD…

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Teamwork.. What Does it Mean?

By GymboSlice | April 23, 2009 | Comments Off on Teamwork.. What Does it Mean?

What is the definition of Teamwork? “Teamwork is a joint action by two or more people or a group, in which each person contributes with different skills and express his or her individual interests and opinions to the unity and efficiency of the group in order to achieve a common goal.” This does not mean…

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JigSaW apologises

By JigSaW | April 22, 2009 | Comments Off on JigSaW apologises

    Recently i have taken actions, and made decisions that were not so favorable to the LRSD. After many members of Bravo Team were promoted to Alpha, I was left pretty much teamless. I took it upon myself, to start another gamebattles team, completely separate from the LRSD and continue to do GameBattles matches. I…

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Around the LRSD – Let the People Decide!

By GymboSlice | April 22, 2009 | Comments Off on Around the LRSD – Let the People Decide!

DiaperDandy & Magic Wooshy Return..But For How Long?? DiaperDandy and Magic Wooshy have finally returned to the LRSD and are ready to make a commitment to the team.  These guys were once Alpha Team members and but have recently returned to find themselves on Bravo Team. Do you think they should just automatically return to…

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Let the Guns Do the Talking!!!

By Feccy J | April 21, 2009 | Comments Off on Let the Guns Do the Talking!!!

Let me start off by stating that the LRSD wants to be respected and not looked at as a bunch of trash talking bunch of F***heads. We want people to look at us as a bunch of  respectful good guys. Recently there’s has been a player on the LRSD who been acting the exact opposite.…

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Are you Bad at the Game?

By GymboSlice | April 20, 2009 | Comments Off on Are you Bad at the Game?

Have you ever wondered to yourself “Am I Bad at the Game?”.  Of course you have!!..  I know everyone has thought about this at one time or another so I figured I give you guys a check list to run through to help you answer that age old question “Am I Bad at the Game?”.…

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A Victory and Clutch 2 Fragged Away

By Feccy J | April 17, 2009 | Comments Off on A Victory and Clutch 2 Fragged Away

The other night the LRSD Alpha Team lost another Game Battles game and it wasn’t because the other team was better. The reason the LRSD lost was because someone brought an OverDose of grenades with them to battle. It was a mental error by none other then the infamous OverDose and that will not be…

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Playoff Bust One, Two & Done!

By GymboSlice | April 13, 2009 | Comments Off on Playoff Bust One, Two & Done!

One..Two.. & Done! After such a promising start the LRSD season comes to a crashing halt after going 0-2 in the playoffs. The LRSD Alpha Team fought hard but they came up on the short end on two closely contested rounds. The LRSD has vowed to prepare better for the playoffs and guaranteed they will…

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What is the Fun -N- Gun?

By GymboSlice | April 10, 2009 | Comments Off on What is the Fun -N- Gun?

Are you wondering “What the hell is the Fun -N- Gun?” The Fun -N- Gun is the tactical approach used by Delta Team (aka. Bobby Shadow & Company).  Some may argue that the Fun -N- Gun is not very smart or tactical but Bobby Shadow would say “What hell do you know?!?!” The whole point…

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Simple Rules to Follow

By GymboSlice | April 7, 2009 | Comments Off on Simple Rules to Follow

What WILL NOT be tolerated inside the LRSD? There is NO CRYING in baseball and there will be NO CRYING inside the LRSD.  We DO NOT complain about the other team using a MOD, Juggernaut, Grenades or whatever some of you cry babies complain about during a match.  We DO NOT want to hear bitching…

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