Code Talker

Some sort of new code dialogue was discovered in the LRSD last night. No body knows its origin. A long with that, all but one knew how to speak it and what it means. This new “Code Language” was used by Empreza during a Search and Destroy game. It was only one phrase but it…

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Gymbo Might be Placed on IR

The great Gymboslice suffered a serious back injury last weekend. It all happened when Gymbo was playing a deathmatch with Razor and Empreza. Not the choice you would want going into a deathmatch. This is what Gymbo had to say: You know I didn’ t expect to get hurt…I just wanted to play a harmless…

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How to Provide Cover

In a recent SnD game I personally witnessed the worst cover I have ever seen in my lifetime. It was a 2 on 1 to our advantage. I had the bomb and had just layed down to plant it. As i was in the process of planting I told Empreza to cover me. he took…

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Recruit is to Much for Gymbo

What a bad kid. Recently Gymbo has been trying to play the Call of Duty 5 campaign mode to unlock the Zombie mode. Instead of taking a challenge he figured he would just run through the game real quick by playing on the recruit difficulty a.k.a. ” I need help please hold my hand mode”.…

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Welcome Back

I would like to welcome every one back to the LRSD. It might have been a while but we’re back in action. With the return of the LRSD there will be some new things going on. As you can already see we do have a “.com” and a new look to the website. All who…

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Anybody Want In?

Where have the good old times went? What happened to the LRSD? Im taking it upon myself to start up a gamebattles team for the up and coming Call of Duty World at War. We need at least 4 to play but i would like more. I have already talked to Diaper, Wooshy, Ink, and…

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