Gymbo Talks New LRSD…

We met up with the great Gymboslice to ask him what he thought about the New LRSD squad and their performance thus far. Media: Is the New LRSD ready to carry the torch? Gymbo: I honestly don’t think the New LRSD is ready or capable of carry the torch that we have given them.  The…

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Snowflake for New LRSD!

The New LRSD got off to a rocky start in Game Battles last night by losing all four games they played. By the look of the match report and the shout box they were clearly out matched.  They ran into some tough teams but no one the old LRSD hasn’t beaten before.  It is pretty…

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LRSD Has a New Roster For the Playoffs!

Over the past several weeks MADDOG has been putting together a new roster to take the field in the playoffs. Relatively new recruit Scarlett x will be heading up the team with the assistance of another recent addition GRABTHEGAUGE187. Filling out the rest of the roster are: RGC level, the youngest player on the roster…

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4 New Maps for Call of Duty: World at War

Call of Duty: World at War Map Pack 2 has been released. The map pack features 3 new multiplayer maps a long with a new Zombie map. I take it a lot of LRSD old timers will come out of retirement to check out some of the new maps.  Look to see some old blood…

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LRSD Fights III Updated!! Official Card

LRSD Fights III – The Super Card Magic Wooshy vs Jake “The Snake” aka GotDip – (Main Event) GymboSlice vs Battojin (Co-Main Event) Empreza vs Diaper Dandy Mugze vs Feccy J Takedown vs BryDog Jigsaw vs Paco (Untelevised) NOTE: Empreza will now be fighting Diaper Dandy, Paco will be fighting Jigsaw and Feccy J will…

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LRSD Fights II Results and New Rankings

LRSD Fights II Results Jigsaw vs Diaper Dandy – For some reason every time we schedule this fight Jigsaw sees to disappear for days. He might be scared of Diaper Dandy. Gymbo vs Jake “The Snake”  or Fouza – Jake refused a fight with GymboSlice and Fouza has been MIA. Gymbo was forced to take…

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Everyones getting impatient and they want go ahead and start LRSD Fights III. Here’s the projected fight card. If your fight says confirmed next to it you can go ahead and fight whenever you want. The rest of the card is subject to change. EDITED: Changed the old card to the new card so it…

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LRSD Fights II

Fight Card for LRSD Fights II Jigsaw vs Diaper (Main Event) Battojin vs Feccy J (Co-Main Event) Takedown vs Paco Magic Wooshy vs Mugze GymboSlice vs Fouza or Jake “The Snake” aka GotDip Empreza vs BryDog (Not televised) Official Rankings 1. TakedownSpecial (1-0) – Defeated Battojin by KO in the 3rd round.  Awarded KO of…

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