Drama in the LRSD!!!

Lately their has been some drama in the LRSD. The Clan looks to be falling apart. Looks like Gymboslice will be terminating the Clan in the upcoming weeks if things can not stay a float. Jeffrosaw has been MIA, no one has seen from him or heard about his whereabouts. Takedownspecial has been sleeping, hes…

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Mad Dog Bites Back!!!

Special exclusive interview with the Mad Dog himself as he takes a bite out of his old team and gives Jeffrosaw a piece of his mind. Mad Dog basically wasn’t happy with the team egos saying success was getting to the young LRSD squad. Mad Dog was quoted on saying “These guys don’t think they…

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Jeffrosaw Interview Preview

                                  Jeffrosaw was interviewed late last night regarding the resignation of Mad Dog.  Jeffrosaw was fluster and angered about Mad Dog leaving the team at such a crucial moment. The LRSD was dominating the underground ranks and were contemplating going pro. Now the LRSD has gotten together and decided to go destroy the pro ranks…

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MadDog Leaves LRSD!

News just in MadDog has left the LRSD team and decided to sign a contract with a new squad.  MadDog was tired of the young stars proving their dominance over and over again.  LRSD couldn’t come to terms with MadDog maybe down the road he will unite with his old team.  MadDog was asking for too…

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LRSD Leaves Underground!

LRSD the underground champions of Call of Duty 4 – Modern Warfare have finally agreed to turn PRO and work their way up the Game Battles Ladder to the Championship. LRSD has been winning games in the underground and have an unofficial record of 33,542 – 0. Some may argue that they defeated the LRSD…

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