LRSD Rising Up

LRSD A-Team Cracks Top 40 Congrats to the LRSD for cracking the top 50 and recording 60th win. All the hard work and dedication is paying off.  Alpha Team is really coming together as a true team.  Look for the LRSD to continue to rise through the standings.  They could possibly be on the first…

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Lost in the LRSD

We still have a couple guys floating around the LRSD without a team.  Before you go out and recruit more players for the LRSD take a look at the guys on Delta / Reserves List.  The LRSD free agent list has some quality guys that have been around the LRSD and know a lot of…

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Mad Dog Sends Message for B & C!

If you haven’t heard Bravo and Charlie are struggling. Bravo has a record of 22-21 which isn’t all that bad but it isn’t good either.  Their teamwork has been questionable as of late and Bravo is good enough to be a playoff team but they gotta start playing like one.  Mad Dog feels they just…

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Weapons Chart for World at War

Dynasty thought this might be helpful for everyone in the LRSD.  This is a weapons chart that breaks down the effectiveness of every Call of Duty: World at War weapon. (Note: When these guns are in the hands of Gymboslice they increase in effectiveness 100%.) The websites information are based off the PC version but…

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Word on the Street

Charlie Team Rebuilding There have been some major changes in the last few days with Charlie Team.  The Council has brought in some new talent to help rebuild Charlie Team.  OverDose has been moved back to Charlie Team and even though his stay on Alpha was short that doesn’t mean OverDose is bad (He’s just…

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Around the LRSD

Alpha Scrimmages Bravo Alpha and Bravo Team scrimmaged the other night and Alpha won 3 games to 2.  Bravo was impressive and fought very hard.  They won 2 of the 5 maps the teams played in the scrimmage but lost the 5 game series 3-2.  Bobby Shadow was the star of the show and he…

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Bravo Takes Series 4 to 1

Congrats to Bravo Team for defeating Charlie Team and taking the series 4-1.  It was a hard fought series but Bravo Team was just too good for Charlie. JigSaw had his team well prepared and they put a hurting on Charlie. My prediction was pretty much right on point, I predicted an easy Bravo Team…

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Breaking News: The Tyrant is Back!

KillTyrant is back from vacation and has agreed to terms with Charlie Team.  If you’ve been around the LRSD then you know KillTyrant.  KillTyrant was one of the best players in the game before he went on vacation and is currently undefeated when playing in matches with the LRSD. KillTyrant is a huge last minute…

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Gymbo's Take: Bravo Vs Charlie

The Bravo vs Charlie match up is coming up and everyone is fired up. Bravo Team is locking up their roster and Charlie Team is putting together their game plan.  Everyone around the LRSD is wondering who is going to win.  Is Charlie better then Bravo Team? Will Bravo Team show Charlie Team why B comes…

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Bravo! Bravo!

Bravo Team Locks Up First Victory Congrats to the LRSD Bravo Team for recording there first GB victory. They are currently 1-4 but they are just starting to jell together and everyone in the LRSD expects big things out of them. Remember Bravo doesn’t stand for BAD so don’t take these guys lightly. These guys…

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